2009年7月31日 星期五

Dayton Moore's normal trade,again

◎Royals acquire Anderson from Tigers/MLB.com
Royals在今天以不知道多少現金向Tigers換來了被DFA的Josh Anderson,又是一樁白癡GM的無聊交易,照理來說Anderson的成績根本是路邊撿來都有,不過他要做慈善事業也是他家的事。

Josh Anderson於03年第4輪被Astros選上,但是一直沒混出啥名堂,07年短暫上來在75PA裡繳出OPS:0.816的成績,但此時他已經24歲了,該年球季結束後他被賣到了Braves以換得免洗牛Oscar Villarreal,08年他拿到了146PA,繳出了略高於聯盟平均的101OPS+,在今年開季前的3/30,他又被賣到了Tigers,獲得小聯盟選手Rudy Darrow,今年到目前為止,雖然得到職業生涯新高的75場出賽,也拿到175PA,但是成績是非常難看的242/282/597(這是OPS不是SLG...),連支本都擠不出來,各有4支的Double、Triple,比較亮眼的表現也只有一場單場4安罷了。

從數據上來看,很明顯的就了解到他是一名腿哥,他的偷壘技巧的確不錯,職業生涯目前到偷了24次,只有4次失敗,守備上今年雖然都擔任Corner OF,但是速度可以勝任CF,可是,除此之外,換他來實在看不出到底在幹嘛= ="

所以我才說這又是Moore的標準交易,不會選球的人是他的最愛,而且還是腿哥,在Moore心中更是加分...明明自家的Mitch Maier打得都比他好,分明是換來搞笑。

I spoke with Kansas City’s general manager Dayton Moore, along with manager Trey Hillman yesterday, and they basically told me to wait things out over the next
couple of days to see if my wife Heather goes into labor.
Kansas City is not in the pennant race right now, but I really believe
they’re a great, up and coming and young baseball team ... I’ve heard nothing
but good things about Trey Hillman their manager. In speaking with him today, he
certainly seems like a good guy.
It’s been a weird week ever since I was
designated for re-assignment by the Tigers last Saturday, but hopefully,
everything is going to turn out for the good.
